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General Inquiries & Quotations

Where can I get more information about your company?
Please see the About Us section of our website. Here you will find detailed information regarding our company’s beginnings, team members, and office locations. Click this link to obtain more information about our manufacturing timeline.

Cypress Industries Presentation

What are your business hours?
Normal business hours for our corporate headquarters in Austin, Texas are Monday to Friday from 8:30am until 5:30pm Central Standard Time. Typically, sales staff will be available to take calls shortly before and after normal business hours. Please dial “0” as the extension to reach our sales team before or after hours.

What is a typical product manufacturing timeline? (Idea to mass production)
Every manufacturing project timeline varies depending on complexity and at which stage of the manufacturing processes timeline of the project Cypress Industries becomes involved. A typical manufacturing timeline for a product manufactured in China from product idea origination to mass production is listed below (please click to enlarge the design and manufacturing process timeline):

The manufacturing timeline listed above is an approximation for products of average complexity. Projects that are less complicated or further along in the overall process when Cypress becomes involved may experience much quicker timelines. Likewise, more complex projects may experience significantly longer lead times. Clients not requiring certain services such as design and/or tooling may experience shorter lead times as well. The production and lead times listed above are assuming the product is being manufactured in China and not the U.S. Manufacturing a product in the U.S. may shorten the lead times, but will also most likely increase tooling and piece part costs.

How can I inquire about a prospective manufacturing project, product, or idea?
Online Ordering is available for standardized products such as connectors. Fiber Cables and Bulk Cable will be available for online ordering soon.

For custom projects, products or ideas, generally it will be necessary to speak with one of our sales representatives. That can be done via email: Or by calling directly during normal business hours.

Is there a form I can fill out to receive a quotation?
Because of our diverse product offering, we currently do not have a standard form for quotation. Please send an email to:

Be sure to include the following information:
Company Name (if applicable)
Contact Name
Phone Number
Fax Number
Website address (if applicable)
Title Drawings (if applicable)
Quantities needed for Quotation

Once your inquiry is received a sales representative will contact you within one business day.

How long does it take to receive a quotation?
Quotation lead times can vary greatly depending on the product complexity and manufacturing locale. Simpler products manufactured in the U.S. will typically require 1-3 days to quote. More complicated projects manufactured in the U.S. can take up to two weeks for quotation.

Simpler standard off-the-shelf products manufactured in China require approximately 1-3 days to be quoted. More involved projects of increased complexity manufactured in China may require up to three weeks for quotation.

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