Value Engineering Services
Cypress Industries Celebrates 15 Years In Business
Austin-based Manufacturing Company Enjoys Success After What Could Have Been an Untimely Start
AUSTIN, TX, Nov 4, 2016
Only one week after the harrowing 9/11 attacks, Cypress Industries opened for business. As the United States began rebuilding, Cypress Industries was also starting a new chapter.
With just two fulltime employees, Cypress Industries CEO and Founder, Tom Lonsdale, used his business relationships and experience to import Chinese cables for customers into the United States. Within eighteen months, the company began manufacturing custom cables in the U.S.A.
"Our early growth was important as it allowed Cypress to lay down a strong base, said Lonsdale. "Over the years, our custom cables business has remained our foundation, but we've also broadened our capabilities so that we can service our customers in all areas of their businesses."
Steady growth over the past fifteen years has permitted Cypress Industries to employ two hundred team members in three countries. The company now owns facilities in the United States, India and China. Cypress Industries now makes not only custom cables, but also wire harnesses, control boxes, advanced assembly, plastic injection molding, tooling and metals.
As for Cypress Industries' plans for the future, "We are looking toward continued growth this year and moving forward," Lonsdale says. "We enjoyed a 20% growth rate in 2015-2016 and are pacing at a 20-30% rate moving into 2017. Our plan is to continue, as we always have, in investing in and improving our people, equipment, facilities, and processes so that we may honor our tradition of giving customers superior service and value."
About Cypress Industries
Cypress Industries is a global, vertically-integrated contract manufacturer of custom cable assemblies and wire harnesses, custom control panels, plastic injection molding, machining and metal castings. Our vertical integration provides us with a unique perspective into many different manufacturing techniques. This enhances our core competence of assisting customers with design for manufacturability and value engineering. Our wholly-owned custom cable, control panel and wire harness manufacturing facilities in India and China give us the ability to service customers' high -volume needs and global locations.